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Mohammed Shamout

Mohammed Shamout

Mohammed Shamout

Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) Worker

Hear my name

P: 705-743-0882
C: 705-761-9859
E: [email protected]
Languages: English, Arabic
Pronouns: he/him

Born as a Palestinian refugee in Syria, Mohammed immigrated to Canada in 2016 as a student refugee through the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) program with the goal of resettlement and to complete his undergraduate degree. In 2021, Mohammed graduated from Trent University with a Bachelor of Business Administration, and proudly obtained his Canadian Citizenship. 

Prior to immigrating to Canada, Mohammed worked alongside a humanitarian organization in Beirut, Lebanon, where he provided direct support to refugees in their resettlement process. Mohammed is excited and honoured, to continue working alongside newcomers here in Canada with the New Canadians Centre. He feels deeply passionate about aiding those who are new and adjusting to Canada like he was just a few years ago. 

Apart from work, Mohammed loves playing Ping-Pong, running and listening to music.