ESL Providers in Peterborough Benefit from Professional Development Day

The ESL Forum strives to develop language training opportunities for newcomers and to provide support to individuals engaged in English Language instruction. The Forum is chaired by the Peterborough Immigration Partnership and comprises LINC and ESL providers, volunteer tutors and representatives from English Languages Programs in the community.
On October 23, the ESL Forum in collaboration with Trent-ESL organised a professional development day for ESL instructors in Peterborough.
Over 50 participants were in attendance, including instructors from Trent University’s ESL Program, Fleming College’s LINC Program, and the ESL program at Peterborough Alternative and Continuing Education (PACE). Other instructors from the Peterborough community also participated in the day’s activities, in addition to ESL tutors and volunteers from the New Canadians Centre.
The day’s program included three workshops/presentations and a panel discussion. Janet Hunter, a volunteer ESL instructor at the New Canadians Centre, facilitated a session in Thai language which allowed participants to experience what it is like to be second language learners. Leo Gomez and Andrew Woodbury of Learn YOUR English (LYE) facilitated two other presentations on Task-Based Language Teaching and Soundscripting.
Janet Hunter delivers a workshop in Thai allowing participants can experience what it is like to be a second language learner
Glenda Fish of Trent-ESL facilitated a panel discussion entitled Second Language Acquisition: The Voice of Experience featuring the presenters from the event and Shaoling Wang, a second language instructor at Trent University.
This event provided our local ESL service providers and practitioners an opportunity to connect and network while learning in a collective and interactive environment – an opportunity that is made possible by PIP’s strong partnerships in the community.
A special thank you to PACE for providing the venue for this event.
ESL providers engage in meaningful discussion about how to support their students best
Established in 2008, the Peterborough Immigration Partnership (PIP) is a community-based partnership of individuals & organizations which envisions a community where the meaningful economic, social and cultural integration of newcomers ensures a prosperous and inclusive community for all. The New Canadians Centre is the lead member of the Partnership.
Please contact us for more information and to become involved in this partnership.