New Canadians Centre Seeks Board Members

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 4, 2021

Join Us at the Heart of Our 40-Year Journey to Support Newcomers and Refugees

New Canadians Centre Seeks Board Members  

Peterborough, ON – The New Canadians Centre is looking for board directors to join the governance team that shapes and advises on the strategic priorities of our organization.

This is how you can change lives, when we are together and even when we are apart.

From our humble roots in 1979 when a dedicated group of volunteers committed to supporting refugees fleeing Vietnam, the NCC has grown to provide community leadership to ensure cultural integration in a welcoming community. 

The NCC serves more than 800 newcomer clients annually. Newcomers can access a variety of programs and services, such as settlement counselling, employment counselling, language assessment, transitional support, workshops (e.g. taxes and citizenship), English conversation groups, women’s group, skills training, youth programming and activities, and recreational outings. 

The NCC also takes an active role in community development and is one of the founding organizations of the Peterborough Immigration Partnership which mobilizes the community to implement a 5-year community immigrant integration strategy.

We believe in inclusion and equity; we encourage community members with diverse backgrounds to apply, who are able and willing to give 6-8 hours per month of their time for this valuable work. We are specifically looking for volunteers with experience relating to settlement, community development, and/or housing for the Board and various Board Committees (Finance, Policy, Recruitment, Governance). Board members would have the opportunity to participate in fund development activities that are meaningful to them.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please contact us to receive an information and application package by emailing

Applications to join the board will be accepted until 5pm on Monday, March 1, 2021. 

Contacts: Robert McDonald, Chair of Board Recruitment Committee & Yvonne Lai, Director of Community Development, 705 743 0882

Upon request, the New Canadians Centre will provide reasonable accommodation for disabilities to support participation of candidates in all aspects of the recruitment process.
