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Luz Ofelia Maya

Luz profile

Luz Ofelia Maya

Settlement Counsellor

Hear my name

P: 705-761-3174
E: [email protected]
Languages: Spanish, English
Pronouns: she/her

Luz Ofelia is the Settlement Counsellor at the Northumberland office. She offers settlement services and organizes a variety of programs and activities for new Canadians in the Northumberland region.

Luz Ofelia has an Honours Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Colombia. She arrived in Canada in 2001, and graduated from the Toronto School of Business in 2003. Luz Ofelia joined the New Canadians Centre in June 2007 as part of the New Canadians Employment Initiative.  Luz Ofelia has vast experience with the welcoming event organization, community connections, and volunteer coordination. She has participated in numerous projects and professional development opportunities.

Luz Ofelia enjoys helping people from different backgrounds and shows empathy towards the challenges newcomers face. She encourages newcomers to not give up, and be patient when starting a new life in Canada. Things will come with time, step by step.

Luz Ofelia enjoys travelling with her family and in her spare time she enjoys canoeing and kayaking.