A New Family for Me
Edited 28 December 2023:
We love to cook at the Women’s Group, like a big family. Do you have a favourite dish that reminds you of family? This Chilaquiles recipe is my favourite. Here is a sweet memory that a generous community supporter has shared with us! Send us your stories at [email protected]; we will let you know if the Women’s Group tries your recipe out!
I was confident that I could do everything that I did in Mexico here. I studied electrical engineering and I had work experience. After assisting people in extreme poverty situations in Mexico, I also received training to help during the frequent earthquakes in Mexico City. I was ready to pursue my dream.
But when I came here, I went into shock.
I was afraid to take the bus and to go out. I didn’t want to do anything. Everything was overwhelming. I felt so alone.
I decided to go to the New Canadians Centre to see if I could get some help. In my mind, it was just a building with some chairs around for talking. But I hoped it would help.
And it did!
I met newcomers like me, many who were in the same situation.
I heard about the Women’s Group and decided to join. It was a very beautiful group with many different cultures there.
The women were very supportive of each other and helping each other in many situations.
We tried many activities together. We cooked together every week, made crafts, dance and exercise. There was childcare so you could bring your baby there and spend time with the group.
One year after I arrived, the opportunity came to be the facilitator of the Women’s Group. I applied even though I was unsure of my English, and they told me “yes, you can do it”.
I was so happy.
Now I could help other women to feel like part of a big NCC family.
Even during the pandemic, we kept up with our weekly meetings online. I even remember delivering materials to women’s homes so that we could paint together.
The New Canadians Centre gave me many opportunities to grow. I volunteered to teach people Spanish and at the Canada Day festival. I joined the committee to celebrate International Women’s Day. I took English and sewing classes. I shared my story with the community through the Living Library program. I was so proud to join the Board of Directors for the NCC.
When we are new, we have a lot of fears, questions and sadness.
Now I know – I will be OK.
Today, I am part of the New Canadians Centre Team and welcome people from all over the world as they start a new life in Canada.
I can tell you truly, that your support helps us towards a better future. I hope that you will help out in any way that you can.
Many newcomers face challenges establishing new relationships and making social connections. They may also have limited English language skills and have difficulty navigating online. These conditions make for social isolation. It deeply affects wellness and results in a loss of personal agency.
You can invest in innovative programs and services that respond to emerging needs. These support and connect people who are new to Canada to services, each other, and the community.
With your support, newcomers can feel that they belong here. They can work towards a future for themselves and their families. Join us in bringing people together!