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Liana Honsinger

Liana profile

Liana Honsinger

Manager of Refugee Resettlement

Hear my name

P: 705-743-0882 ext. 218
C: 705-761-9848
E: [email protected]
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her

At 18 years old, Liana spent 5 months volunteering with street children in Tanzania, and was driven to continue a career in meaningful work, leading her to a degree in International Development and a Graduate Certificate in Project Management.

Beginning as a volunteer with NCC, she held her first job at NCC in 2014, and much like the Peterborough charm, once she had a taste of the place, she couldn’t go back and now calls NCC family and Peterborough her home.

Liana has spent 10 years with NCC as a dedicated and passionate team member. She has held many roles including managing volunteers, event planning, case management, and currently holds the role as Manager of Refugee Resettlement supporting a busy team that works to make the transition for some of our newest members of the community, government assisted refugees, as smooth as possible so that they feel welcome in their new home, Peterborough, Canada.