Volunteer Spotlight: Olajumoke Fatoki

Meet Olajumoke Fatoki! Pronouns: she/herVolunteer Role/Position(s): Refugee Support Team Leader/Member & Special Events VolunteerVolunteering Since: January 2024Languages: English & Yoruba Why do you love volunteering at our Centre?“I love volunteering at the New Canadians Centre…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Paul Aoki

Man with blue polo shirt, glasses and ball cap

Meet Paul Aoki! Volunteer Role/Position(s): Group FacilitatorVolunteering Since: 2019Languages: “I speak English and Spanish and I volunteer as a teacher in both languages.” Why do you love volunteering at our Centre?“I assist in a beginners English…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Karen Taylor

Woman with hat and turtleneck sweater

Meet Karen Taylor! Volunteer Role/Position(s): Refugee Support Team MemberVolunteering Since: April 2013Languages: “English, some French and Spanish, and, thanks to the family I’m working with, a few very badly pronounced words in Kinyarwanda”  Why…

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National Volunteer Week

Last week, we celebrated National Volunteer Week. We are grateful and acknowledge the importance of volunteering to strengthen and vibrancy of our communities. Volunteer contributions are valued and meaningful. It…

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