NCC Response Plan to COVID-19

Update: September 4, 2020

Dear friends and clients of the New Canadians Centre,

We miss you. 

Since March, our offices have been closed to in-person visits and programs. We have worked hard to stay connected with you through phone, email, live web chat, social media and virtual meeting rooms. It has been heartening to see you continue to participate in the conversation classes, women’s group, youth meet-ups and community projects, and to support each other through this difficult time.

As we head into September and into the gradual re-opening of the province, we want to make sure that the health and safety for our clients, volunteers and staff continues to be a priority. Where possible, we encourage you to contact us via phone, email and live web chat to get help. We will continue to organise programs using our virtual meeting rooms. 

Starting September 8, you can also come to our Brief Services Drop-in at our Peterborough office (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30-11.30am). You can meet with staff for help with quick questions. For example, you can get help to:

  • Explain a bill
  • Book a language assessment
  • Look up an address

Please book an appointment if you:

  • Require services outside of the regular Brief Services Drop-In times
  • Are meeting with a Caseworker regularly for an ongoing case
  • Have larger questions which cannot be addressed within a 15-minute Brief Services Drop-In meeting

You can make an appointment by doing any of the following:

  • Call the office at (705) 743-0882 (Peterborough)
  • Email
  • Contact the staff person assigned to help you

As of September 8, limited childminding is available for scheduled in-person appointments. If you require childminding for your appointment, please contact us ahead of time to arrange.

Watch this video to see what you can expect during your Brief Services drop-in or your in-person appointment.

If you are feeling unwell (cough, fever, or difficulty breathing) OR have travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days, please stay at home. Please contact us by phone, email or webchat and we will be happy to assist you.
Stay informed on the latest COVID-19 updates:

Thank you to all frontline and essential workers for working hard to keep our communities going. we wish you well as we take steps towards re-opening. Please reach out if you need a helping hand.

Update: April 2, 2020

Our physical offices continue to be closed, and staff are working from home. Here are some ways to stay in touch with us:

Our staff are available for appointments by phone, email, and video. If you would like to book an appointment, please contact us by phone or email.

We are also reintroducing our Brief Services “Drop-In” by Phone for quick questions that can be resolved within a few minutes. Brief-Services Appointments are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays between 9am and 12pm for 30-minute appointments. Please contact Carolina by email or phone (705) 761 0198 for Brief-Service or to book a Brief-Services appointment. 

All in-person events & groups are cancelled for the time being.
Some groups are now being offered online, with others to follow in the coming weeks.

Here is a list of groups currently being offered online:

Update: March 16, 2020

Things have moved quickly over the weekend. The New Canadians Centre has moved to the next stage in our COVID-19 pandemic response plan. As a precaution, our offices in Peterborough and Northumberland will be closed to the public as staff move to work offsite as of Monday, March 16 until further notice.

Regular settlement services will be available by phone and email; appointments will only be made for urgent cases. Group activities continue to be cancelled until further notice.

If you need support, please call (705) 743-0882 or email Your query will be directed to the appropriate staff who will respond to you promptly.

We will be sharing information on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Please follow us on those accounts to receive timely updates and to stay connected.

Based on advice from the World Health Organisation, we encourage you to #WashYourHands frequently, practice #SocialDistancing and self-monitor. If you have travelled outside of Canada in the past 14-days and/or have any symptoms, please continue to self-isolate and contact your local health unit for consultation and testing. Local health units that serve Peterborough and Northumberland are:

We are #StrongerTogether

Love, #TeamNCC

Posted: March 13, 2020

Dear #TeamPtbo,

The New Canadians Centre is implementing a 4-stage preparedness plan to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At this time, all NCC group programs and activities will be cancelled until further notice. This includes the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday English conversation groups, the women’s group, Spanish, French and Russian conversation classes, youth group, sewing and knitting classes and childminding services. 

We are committed to continuing to support our community by offering the services that our partners and clients rely on us for. We will be following enhanced screening protocols to protect the wellbeing of our staff, clients, and volunteers and we advise clients to seek service by phone or email where possible

If you are feeling unwell (cough, fever, or difficulty breathing) OR have travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days, please do not come to the NCC offices in Peterborough or Northumberland. Please contact us by phone (705 743-0882) or email ( and we will be happy to assist you. 

If you have travelled outside of Canada in the past 14-days and/or have any symptoms, please contact your local health unit:

If you are experiencing breathing difficulties, please call 911 for immediate medical attention.

We know that this is a stressful time for you and your families. Ours too. Let’s do our best to lift each other with kindness and hope as the days pass into spring.

Love, #TeamNCC