Event Series Women’s Group

Women’s Group

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

A friendly group for women to make friends with other women who are new to Canada. Join us each week for conversation, cooking, crafts, and other activities. This group is…


Try Curling!

Peterborough Curling Club 2195 Lansdowne St, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Not sure what curling is? Let's find out together! What about doing something different this weekend? Join us on Saturday morning for a 2-hour session of curling with an instructor.…


Youth Zumba

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

Don't know a move? Just shake it 'till you make it! Let's get together to dance and have fun in a Zumba session!   Registration is required. To register and…


Employment Insurance Info-Session


Do you have questions about Employment Insurance?   Join us online for an information session about the EI benefit. Christine Hayter, from Service Canada, will go over the details of…
