Event Series Women’s Group

Women’s Group

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

A friendly group for women to make friends with other women who are new to Canada. Join us each week for conversation, cooking, crafts, and other activities. This group is…


Welcome Inside: In-Person Tour of the Peterborough Museum

Peterborough Museum & Archives 300 Hunter St E, Peterborough, ON, Canada

Tour an iconic Peterborough attraction with us! Please join us for a group tour of the Peterborough Museum & Archives to learn about the history of the Peterborough area through…


Storytelling Circle Workshop Series

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

Every person, community, and organization has a story with the power to inspire actions and build a world of belonging! What is yours?   Storytelling is a powerful skill! It…
