Health Fair for Newcomers to Canada

Learn about Navigating the Healthcare System
Date: Wednesday April 24, 2024
Time: 11:00am to 2:00pm
Location: St. James United Church / NCC (221 Romaine St.)
Drop In Between 11am and 2pm to talk to 25+ agencies in Peterborough about health and wellness services for the family.
Other activities include:
Presentations on Navigating the Healthcare System
Presented by Dr. Madura Sundareswaran
Do you have questions about healthcare in Canada? In this 20-minutes session, Dr. Madura will share more about your healthcare options in the community, where you should go in an emergency, how to see a specialist, and more.
Come at any of these three times:
- 11:15am in English and Arabic
- 12:15pm in English and Dari
- 1:15pm in English and Spanish
Wellness Breaks
Join us for short 20-minute activities that you can do in your everyday life to help relax and manage stress.
- Light refreshments will be available and prizes up for grabs!
Organised by Peterborough Immigration Partnership partners: New Canadians Centre, Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre, Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board