Launch of the Community Immigrant Integration Plan 2016-2021



Launch of the Community Immigrant Integration Plan 2016-2021

Peterborough, Dec 2, 2015 1-2pm

The Peterborough Immigration Partnership (PIP) former Peterborough Partnership Council on Immigrant Integration (PPCII) is launching its second five-year immigrant integration strategy for the Peterborough community; the Community Immigrant Integration Plan 2016-2021.

Building upon the first 2010-2015 PPCII Integration Strategy and over eight years of work by the Peterborough Immigration Partnership – a partnership of over 60 local organizations working towards making the City and County of Peterborough a more welcoming place for newcomer – the Community Immigrant Integration Plan articulates the goals our community needs to meet in order to better integrate newcomers into all aspects of community life.

In addition to emphasizing the importance of social inclusion to successful integration of newcomers in our community, the Community Immigrant Integration Plan 2016-2021 also recognizes how essential economic success is to immigrant integration as well as how important immigrants are to our current and future prosperity as a community. We are happy therefore to be co-hosting the launch our five year plan with the Peterborough Economic Development, a partner which leads Peterborough’s economic growth by attracting the talent, innovation and investments that create desirable jobs and an irresistible place to live and visit. Mayor Daryl Bennett and representatives from other levels of the government will be in attendance and provide remarks on the plan.

The Community Immigrant Integration Plan was developed through reviewing the work done under the 2010-2015 strategy document, conducting research on local demographic trends, implementing a survey of partnership members and the community, and conducting focus groups with decision-makers, employers and international students. A draft of the plan was presented to the community in August and feedback from this session has been incorporated into the final version of the plan. During the review process the community members praised the document, among others, for its spirit, focused goals, emphasis on neighborhood level communities, strengthening the sense of belonging and promoting a culture of workplace diversity.

Since 2011 Peterborough Immigration Partnership and its partners have collaboratively implemented over 90 projects and activities that have advanced immigrant integration in our community. Because of the vision and commitment of over 100 organizational and individual members of the partnership, Peterborough is becoming a better place for newcomers to live, study, work and invest.

The Peterborough Immigration Partnership is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and by financial and in-kind contributions from its partners and supporters.

What:              Launch of the Community Immigrant Integration Plan 2016-2021

When:             Wednesday, Dec 2, 2015 1-2pm

Where:            Peterborough Economic Development Boardroom (210 Wolfe Street)

Who:               Peterborough Immigration Partnership, former Peterborough Partnership Council on Immigrant Integration


Media Contact:            Safo Musta, 705-743-0882 x 234 or