NCC Seeks Board Directors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 6, 2018
The New Canadians Centre Peterborough Seeks Board Directors
The New Canadians Centre Peterborough (NCC) is seeking volunteer Board Directors.
As the local settlement agency, the New Canadians Centre Peterborough strives to empower immigrants and refugees to become full and equal members of Canadian society, and to provide community leadership to ensure cultural integration in a welcoming community.
The NCC serves more than 800 newcomer clients annually and takes an active role in community development. Throughout the past two years the resettlement of Syrian refugees was a main focus of the Centre, but its programs include settlement, employment and youth services, language assessment for newcomers, and community development. The NCC is one of the founding organizations of the Peterborough Immigration Partnership.
“The NCC believes in diversity; we encourage community members with different cultural backgrounds and of all ages to apply. We are specifically looking for volunteers with legal, advocacy and/or housing backgrounds for the Board and various Board Committees” says Rob Howard, the Chair of the NCC Board.
If you are interested in this exciting governance opportunity please visit for more information. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume (in 1 document) before Friday, March 19, 2018 to
Contacts: Gabriele Zeh-Abramsky, Chair of Board Recruitment Committee
Upon request the New Canadians Centre will provide reasonable accommodation for disabilities to support participation of candidates in all aspects of the recruitment process.
Media Contact:
Yvonne Lai, Director of Community Development