One Year of Afghan Resettlement

One year ago today, Canada welcomed the first set of Afghan refugees following the Taliban takeover. With a goal of resettling 40,000 people, 17,050 people have arrived thus far in Canada. In Peterborough, the New Canadians Centre has welcomed over 130 clients from Afghanistan, providing them with support and services as they build their new life here. Learn more about our work with Afghans in the 2021-22 Annual Report.
While these families are finding success, integrating well, and for many, feeling a sense of safety for the first time in a long time, it has also been a painful year. Families have had to learn a new language, systems, and climate while navigating job loss, trauma, and the pain of being away from loved ones. Parwaiz Hamidy and his family know this well. He remembers the relief he felt landing in Toronto last August. Months later, he reflected, “life in Canada is different from life in Afghanistan, and we have to start all over again. This will be very difficult for us, but we have to fight this problem and move on with our lives.”

Today, we stand with our Afghan friends in Peterborough and Canada. We acknowledge their bravery and pain. We know it is not an easy road ahead, and we commit that today and always, we #WelcomeAfghans.
Do you want to help support new refugee families from Afghanistan and other parts of the world? We are looking for volunteers! Learn more & apply today.