Event Series Women’s Group

Women’s Group

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

A friendly group for women to make friends with other women who are new to Canada. Make friends, and learn fun new crafts, recipes, and activities. This group is currently…

Event Series Youth Homework Help

Youth Homework Help


Have Homework? Join us for peer-tutoring, to share ideas, and think out loud! We're hosting a weekly homework help group for newcomer High School students. Looking for help with homework…


Update on Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven Info-Session


We invite the community to join us in supporting displaced Ukrainians. Join us for an info-session to learn about the updates to support available for displaced Ukrainians in Canada. During…


Trip to Lang Pioneer Village Museum (Northumberland)

Lang Pioneer Village Museum 104 Lang Rd, Keene, ON, Canada

Step back in time and enjoy a day in 19th-century Canada! Join us for a trip to the Lang Pioneer Village Museum. Lang Pioneer is a living history museum in…
