Living Library Plus – Esther’s Story

Peterborough Public Library 345 Aylmer St N, Peterborough, ON, Canada

The New Canadians Centre (NCC) Living Library aims to share human stories of immigration and integration by highlighting diverse and compelling stories of transition, settlement and belonging through personal storytelling…

Event Series Women’s Group

Women’s Group

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

Make new friends! This is a safe space for newcomer women to share your experiences and enhance your well-being through genuine connections. Activities include: The Women's Group meets every Thursday…


Newcomer Youth (High-School) Employment Drop-in

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

If you are a high-school aged newcomer youth and would like to receive employment support, please drop in! We can assist you with resume and cover letter creation, interview skills,…


Newcomer Youth (High-School) Employment Drop-in

New Canadians Centre 221 Romaine Street, Peterborough, ON, Canada

If you are a high-school aged newcomer youth and would like to receive employment support, please drop in! We can assist you with resume and cover letter creation, interview skills,…


Trip to Curve Lake Pow Wow *FULL*

Curve Lake First Nation ON, Canada

Edited Sept 16: This trip is full. You are welcome to visit the Pow Wow at your own time. You can take The Link bus that has stops between Trent University and the Curve…
