Information for Ukrainians coming to Canada:
Please visit this page if you have arrived in Canada through the Canada-Ukraine Authorisation for Emergency Travel (CUAET)
Pour le service en français:
Conseil des Organismes Francophones de la Region de Durham
57 Rue Simcoe sud, Suite 2N
Tél: (905) 434 – 4989 / Cell : (905) 242 – 1616
Guide d'accueil des nouveaux arrivants francophones dans l'Est de l'Ontario
Our Immigration & Settlement Program supports newcomers with the following services:
Information and Referral
Offered for: City & County of Peterborough, City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton, Northumberland County
We provide clients with timely, useful and accurate information needed to make informed settlement decisions. We understand that settlement needs change over time, and we provide information both for newcomers and for those who have lived in Canada for many years on a wide range of topics in areas such as immigration, employment, education, health, finances, housing and community.
- Orientation to life in Canada
- Information on and referral to local community and government services
- Overview of Canadian immigration and other government systems
Short-Term Settlement Assistance
Offered for: City & County of Peterborough, City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton, Northumberland County
We provide support services to clients to help them connect to important community and government services, whether it is a simple process such as applying for a permanent resident card or registering a child in school; or a more complicated situation such as finding resources for victims of domestic abuse or determining immigration status.
- Support in obtaining important Canadian identity documents
- Support in accessing important local community and government services
- Support with elementary and secondary school registration and orientation
- Support in resolving vulnerable immigration situations and family reunifications
- Support with Canadian citizenship applications
Language Assessment and Referral
Offered in: Peterborough & Northumberland
We provide English language assessments and referrals to suitable and appropriate training options in the region. Language assessments are conducted by certified language assessors using standardized tools. Please note that a language assessment may take up to four hours.
- Free certified English language assessment
- Referral to federal and provincial government funded language programs (assessment required for referral)
- Home study and classroom referral options
Refugee claimants, convention refugees, protected persons, persons approved in principle, permanent residents and naturalised Canadian citizens who are 18 years of age or older and who can provide proof of their current immigration status.
Client Requirements:
Active participation in assessment (up to 4 hours in length)
Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS)
Offered in: Peterborough and Northumberland with Itinerant SWIS Service to all KPR and PVNC schools.
SWIS is a school-based outreach program that enhances schools’ capacities to welcome newcomer families. This program is in Partnership with the Kawartha Pine Ridge and Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic District School Boards. SWIS works with newcomer families and youth to provide information and connect them to resources in the school and community. SWIS meets new clients through direct referral from schools and also supports clients through the NCC offices.
In Peterborough and Northumberland SWIS also offers fun activities promoting social inclusion and specialized workshops for newcomer youth. Youth receive support in such areas as employment, recreation, volunteering, mental health and wellness and post-secondary education.
Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP)
Offered in: Peterborough only
We welcome newly arrived government-assisted refugees and help them with the initial part of their settlement process and meet their immediate and essential needs. We receive over 100 individuals per year from a variety of countries through direct referral from the Canadian government
- Temporary housing and permanent housing search assistance
- Support obtaining essential documents and services
- Orientation to RAP Agreement and important settlement information
Joint and Government Assisted Refugees referred by the federal government
Planned Support
We provide support to help clients acquire the knowledge, means and skills to live safely and independently. We help newcomers to increase their connections and self-reliance. We create a Support Plan with full participation from the client and support their essential skills development so that they can meet their needs and independently access required community and government services. We connect clients to social opportunities so that they have a greater support network on which to rely.
- Participatory Support Plan to address settlement priorities
- Connections to social opportunities
- Focus on essential skills and independence
- Coordination of services with partner agencies
Immigrants and refugees in Canada 5 or fewer years who require essential skills support