Peterborough Immigration Partnership
Established in 2008, the Peterborough Immigration Partnership (PIP) is a community-based partnership of individuals and organisations (including the New Canadians Centre) which envisions a community where the meaningful economic, social and cultural integration of newcomers ensures a prosperous and inclusive community for all.

Any organisation, municipality, business or individual in the City and County of Peterborough can become a partner by endorsing the vision and mandate of the Peterborough Immigration Partnership and by committing to advance the objectives of the PIP Strategic Plan.
The work of the PIP is guided by the Strategic Plan 2022 - 2025 which articulates the goals that need to be met to achieve meaningful integration in a welcoming community.
To meet our objectives, we bring partners together through these Working Groups:
As a lead member for the Peterborough Immigration Partnership, the New Canadians Centre works closely with PIP members to develop programs, coordinate service delivery for newcomers and refugees, and improve organisational capacity to work with these client groups.
These initiatives are facilitated by the New Canadians Centre to meet the goals of the Peterborough Immigration Partnership:
Are you preparing to share information or to deliver a presentation to English language learners? Here are some useful resources:
- How to facilitate a group orientation
- Tips from the LINC Program (sample handout)
- AI tools to adjust readability such as HemingwayApp or Readable (suggested: Grade 4 comprehension)
We welcome your feedback and opportunities for collaboration! For more information on any of the programs and working groups, please contact the Director of Community Development or the PIP Officer.
Partnership News
Peterborough Immigration Partnership hosts PD Day on Supporting Language Learners
The Peterborough Immigration Partnership through a collaboration between Trent University, Fleming College, and the New Canadians Centre offered its annual Professional Development Day on Friday, February 25. The day brings…
How You Can Close Your Workforce Gap With International Students
Canada has announced ambitious new immigration targets to meet labour market needs & support economic prosperity. International students play a critical role in this. Businesses and organizations that tap into…
Peterborough Immigrant Needs Assessment 2021 Report
October 2021 Edition of Partnership News by the Peterborough Immigration Partnership In March 2021, the Peterborough Immigration Partnership conducted a needs assessment to gather feedback to provide important information for the Partnership to…